The Integrated Day Center offers medical and nursing assistance, rehabilitation, recreational and socio-educational activities, guaranteeing safety and respect for the identity and dignity of its Guests, through the removal of architectural barriers and the specific professionalism of the human resources employed. The Day Center is aimed primarily at people with senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease , with different levels of severity; therefore people no longer completely self-sufficient who, due to their cognitive and behavioral deficits, require targeted and specific assistance. The CDI it can be understood as a place where the basic functions of daily life can be maintained or recovered as much as possible, thus trying to keep the elderly person in their living environment for as long as possible elder care in Draper, UT
Over the years, some non-pharmacological therapies (TNF) have been consolidated which, as a complement to the pharmacological ones, effectively counteract the effects of dementia caused by Alzheimer’s, improving the patient’s quality of life. Let’s see what they are.
Thanks to the doll, the sick developed a sense of attachment and security that improved their daily life, starting from the increased appetite, up to the improvement of interpersonal relationships.
The music therapy is a non-pharmacological therapy that involves the use of music (and musical instruments) in order to stimulate cognitive functioning, physical and emotional of the patient suffering from dementia. Patients are gathered in a group and are called to sing popular songs, to dance or to accompany songs of various kinds with some musical instruments.
The sound waves and especially the vibrations emitted by low frequencies seem to be particularly effective, because they reduce symptoms such as apathy, anxiety and aggression .
The Elderly is called to carry out simple tasks, but which help to restore cognitive faculties, in order to improve the quality of daily life. In fact, the Elder learns again small activities that help him in everyday life.
There are many cases of Alzheimer’s patients who have a profoundly altered sleep-wake rhythm, so much so that they no longer know how to distinguish day from night. This therapy helps the elderly with dementia to find the right sleep-wake rhythm.