Locked is a Telugu thriller drama series written and directed by Pradeep Dev Kumar. It is an aha original mini-series which you should watch to experience the most thrilling aspects that leave you stunned. It is the only Telugu web series about doctors that ever came out in the Telugu film sector. This story and characterization of the protagonist as a doctor will just make him look like a supernatural character. Watch series online all night and day!
Cast & Crew:
Actor: Satya Dev Kancharana
Actress: SamyukthaHornadu, Sri Lakshmi,
Other Actors: Inturi Vasu, BindhuPagidimarri, Keshav Deepak, John Kottoly, Aberaam Varma, KrishanManjushaChivukula
Director: Pradeep Dev Kumar.
Producer: Ram Ganesan, K.S. Madhubala, Shanmuga Raja
Music Director: Prashanth Srinivas
Cinematographer: NijaiGowthaman
Written By: Pradeep Dev Kumar
Know More About Movie:
Runtime: 7 Episodes 30 minutes each.
Released: 25 March 2020
Genre: Psychological Thriller
The protagonist of this story is DrAnandChakravarthy, a professional neurosurgeon and a professor at a university. He is smart and intelligent, there is nothing he does not know in his area of expertise. He is keen, precise and focused on what he teaches and what he does. One of his students admires him for his knowledge and expertise in his profession and begs to help his mother who is on the edge of dying, DrAanandChakravarthy could not save her as the problem got out of hand. One night, Student goes into the professor’s mansion as he doubts him for some confidential matters just like some more people find a reason to enter his house on their own. Now everyone becomes a victim for knowing some of the most hidden secrets professors have secured all these days. It is the life and death situation for the innocents trapped in his mansion, as the title suggests “LOCKED”.
Technical Aspects:
- Execution of the script in the movie was extremely well, every bit of the movie was just like handcrafted.
- Cinematography is the best asset to the movie. You can indulge in this with its technical aspects. It was made with perfection.
- Music and background score is a mood maker and its like honey in the ear.
- The screenplay is unpredictable. It is appreciable as it crosses the expectation of the viewers and gives a clear example for others. For a low budget like this is so love.
Artist Performance:
- Satyadev is a great artist as we already know and in this series as well he just nailed it.
- Samyuktha, It was the right series for her to get the limelight and she completely utilised her opportunity and proved herself.
- Bindu acted perfectly in that suspicious wife role.
The thrilling experience that the story leaves will just make you rethink about the concept of reality. This will be one of the best series in Telugu so far that has the best plot and characterization. You can watch locked web series online only on Aha. Have a happy binge-watching season for all the viewers for this super series.