Skin lightening creams have been around for the past few centuries, and they are becoming increasingly popular. They are said to whiten the skin and reduce lines, wrinkles, age spots and other blemishes. But how do they work?
In a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology entitled “Nanoparticle-induced skin lightening: Implications for cosmetic products”, it is revealed that nanoparticles can be used as high-tech pigments to improve or alter skin tone through specific wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light. This treatment is said to be a breakthrough that could potentially lead to cosmetics treatments without harmful side effects such as those seen with Chemicals or Laser Light Skin Lightening Methods. UsingĀ skin brightening cream is one of the best options.
The investigators used a nonspecific drug which is not known to be toxic for human skin. The drug was loaded with the nanoparticles and was then placed into a controlled chamber, where UV light was produced. The nanoparticle-loaded drug reacted with the UV light and produced nanoparticles that were trapped by the chamber’s walls. When exposed to infrared (IR) light, the nanoparticles released their pigments, which had previously been encapsulated in the nanocapsules. IR light has long been used to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, and these researchers were able to use it to achieve the same results in vivo and in a cosmetic setting.
The researchers were able to achieve skin lightening using this method. They discovered that using a red laser to achieve the same results as a red tattoo over the course of 8 weeks or so for 2% concentration. They tested their work in skin models and human skin obtained from plastic surgery procedures, and found promising results. The scientists believe that this breakthrough has huge potential for use as an alternative treatment for people who suffer from skin discoloration and also as a component in cosmetic products.
Skin Lightening Creams and lotions work by using a combination of ingredients that are designed to lighten skin tones, ranging from hormonal ingredients to whitening and brightening agents. While many people believe that they are safe, this isn’t always the case. There have been numerous cases in which these treatments have caused serious side effects, causing an allergic reaction or even death.
The results of this process were promising, but there are still many studies that need to be done in order to determine the most effective way of using this new technology. The researchers believe that they could potentially be used in a wider range of treatments, such as Acne Scar Removal and Laser skin whitening.